It's off to Vermillion Bay today, for a visit at their Public school. I can't wait to see more excited students.
Yesterday at the Kenora school the students had made a huge poster for Ann as a welcome. And the students wrote diary entries, pretending they were a person at Het Buitenhuis in Holland during the war.
(Like in Ann's book BRAVE DEEDS.) They even stained the paper with wet tea bags to make them look like old war document. Cool!
Students are such fun to be with. They all pet me at the end of Ann's talk, and they say, "Ohhh, cute." If only they knew they are really the cute ones. Here's a picture of the banner they made for Ann, and a poster of comments they made about BRAVE DEEDS. Ann was really pleased. She was so pleased she even gave me an extra biscuit. Which I deserve, by the way, because it's really me who makes the whole show! After all, I'm the one who tries to do some actions when she reads the chapter about me being attacked by cougar. And it's me who lies still on the table so she can have the students attention most of the time.
Talk to you all again soon.
Chow, Shira.