Saturday, May 2, 2009

More great pictures of our trip.

   Ann took this black and white picture at the Balmertown Golden Learning Centre. Make sure you click on it to make it bigger.  The grade 7 teacher, Mrs. Parrish, and three students from the school made this.  It's the front cover of BRAVE DEEDS with all the school's students' signatures on it.  The picture was so big, it hung from the ceiling all the way down close to the floor.  They have good artists in Balmertown!  

This picture is of some of the work the students did at Red Lake school.  More great artists.  Ann took a long time reading everything and taking pictures.  I must admit they are very good.  I wanted to take her for a walk but she was too busy with the students and the teachers.

We were so happy in the Northern Ontario towns, all of them, Kenora, Vermillion Bay, Ear Falls, Red Lake and Balmertown, that we hated to leave.  Ann says the visits up there will for sure be one of the highlights of this whole trip.  I hope we go back there some day because the people are super friendly.  The dogs probably are too, but I didn't really get to meet any.  We were too busy to meet dogs, so I met humans instead.  Fine with me, I had fun and I was spoiled.
Now for the trip along Lake Superior.  We are halfway along the lake.  
I was snoozing on the van's floor when suddenly I could feel that Ann was excited about something.  She slowed the van down.  By the time I scrambled up on the passenger's chair and looked out I saw the rear end of a moose disappearing into the forest.  Even though I never really bark much, (it's not cool, I think) I gave a few woofs when I saw that, I can tell you.  Do moose ever have long legs.  And I thought great danes were tall.  Ha, not!  Wait until I see the dogs down the road at home.  Will I ever have some stories to tell them.