Shira the wonder dog here. Let me tell you about Ann's adventures at Harbour Front

Here you can see all the students who came to meet the authors and cheer them on. Someone said there were a couple of thousand students. The authors were paraded onto the stage with two students, one who held a sign with the author's name and the other introduced the author. The middle photo shows a student introducing an author. After everyone spoke for a few minutes, the winners were introduced.

And guess what... BRAVE DEEDS BECAME A SILVER BIRCH HONOUR BOOK!!! Ann has been so excited ever since. She said it's a great honour to her and the people she wrote about, the resistance heros Frans and Mies Braal. She said she is ecstatic, but that's a big word for a dog so I don't know what it means. It must means she is very, very happy. She's been singing along with the radio in the van and if she is going to keep singing it'll be a long-long-long-loooooong trip home for me. (She sings but I am not really supposed to sing along even though I think I sing better than her--howl, howl, howl.)
Ann also said she must have autographed at least a thousand cards and books. The line-up was so long, after an hour and fifteen minutes of going as fast as she could, the people who controlled the lines had to cut it off because Ann had to go on stage to give a workshop about Brave Deeds in WWII.
All through the day I was in the van. Ann kept coming back to get her computer, drop her computer off, get her camera, get something else, and every time she said, we'll go for a walk in just a minute. But I stayed there for hours with my legs crossed and my eyeballs overflowing. But I guess it was Ann's big day. I'm happy for her, and I did finally get to go for a walk and sniff all the interesting messages Toronto dogs left behind. It must be so different being a dog in a big city. I have my whole pasture to run around in but here I had to be on a leash all the time.
We are now on the way home, via the U.S.A. We saw a porcupine last night. Ann said not to get too close. It was hard not to be able to give it a really good sniff.
We loved our time in Ontario, but I will also be glad to get home and talk to the dogs along my road.
Shira, the border collie.