I am off to Cranbrook and Creston to talk about my trip to Zambia, Africa this Sunday. On Monday I will give a talk at a Creston Elementary school. This trip is supported by a Columbia Basin Trust grant.
In 2007 I was in Zambia for three months. I worked at three different schools and met a lot of children. I have just finished a manuscript about a boy who lost both his parents to AIDS and who moved from a comfortable home in the capitol city back to a mud hut where his father grew up. Now it's time to find a publisher for the book. Even as an award-winning published writer of six books for young people it's a lot of work finding the right publisher for the next book.
The best way to find the right publisher is to check similar books and see who published them. Then go to their website and read their guidelines for submitting a manuscript. Usually a publisher likes to see a cover letter and a sample of your writing.
So, today my sample goes off with my good luck wishes.